Lyra offers an excellent example of how to handle ranged weapons.
Projectiles, and an execution skill (like the melee weapon).
What was missing was the ability to accurately and efficiently handle the tracing of melee weapons.
Therefore, the basis of this ability is made in C++
We have developed a ability (similar to weapon Fire), which seeks to cover these needs.
The first thing to do is to configure the trace, for that you must define the SetupMesh function.
Where you must pass a skeletal mesh and some sockets as parameters. (What will be used to trace the sphere)
Afther that, we need to setup vars.
AbilityMontages, GameplayEffect, Capsule Radius, DebugDraw and Channel.
RepeatTrace allows you to run the trace only once, for whatever reason.
Then to start tracing, it will be enough to call this function
Once you get the results, you will be executing the next evnt
In the example project,a notify animation is used to communicate when I start and stop tracing.
The weakspot system is valid, which allows for successful headshots.
With this new ability, the possibilities that Lyra offers are further expanded.