New Features
A) Endurance Weapon
B) Ammo in inventory (and Ammo types)
C) Amor Endurance
D) Interactable Campfire
E) Workbench Lvls
F) Custom Bed
G) Click for Respawn Fixed
A) Fix Quickbar, now u cant put and take item from/toquickbar
B) Fix Armor bar, not show correcly items, now yes.
C) If u triggered lot drop and pickup, u can be duplicated, now, u cant.
D) Split Menu Buttom, when u want click for add more item in split, u need to triger two or three times for work, fixed, now work fine. Minor changes
A) GA_DropWeaponsInYourHand, now the weapons is who give u ability.
B) Change Reticles
C) Update HUD
D) Add Animation Hovered in all button.
E) Rework System UI. Now all visual buttom be childeren. (Easy change system and fast custom)
F) Adjust camera Bow, and camera Magic
G) ConsumeItemByDefinition, now return int (how much do u consume) before is a boolean.(edited)