1) Hit Zone :
Now depending on where you hit, it will be the damage inflicted
Added Character component in plugin.
Added StrongSpot – Reduce 90% Damage (Shield)
Added ExtremitiesSpot – Reduce 50% Damage
Comment: Just only need to set the weaponinstance of your weapon
2) UI Refactor Attribute bar
Mana bar, only show, when mana is less 100
Waterbar, only show, when water is less 10
Foodbar, only show, when food is less 10
Armorbar, only show, when attribute changed forr 3 seg.
Comment: U can set this in Widget Attribute.
3) Now proyectile use HitZone
Design considerations: If you want to use projectiles with HItZone, you should avoid using the equipped weapon, as a projectile. Because once the instance disappears from its inventory, the EventData, it will not contain enough information to execute the corresponding damage.
Tthe spear and knife uses LineTrace. (GA Throw, now use Hitzone). (Work with stack items, for example 4 knifes)
Bow uses Projectile. (u can use Linetrace if u want, only need change GA_Bow_Shoot_Proyectile for GA_Bow_Shoot_Linetrace) in AbilitySet_Bow
4) Wand Change system
Right click = Use GA_Charge_Shoot is a Proyectile.
Left click = Use GA_Wand_Fast_Shoot_Linetrace is a Linetrace
5) Melee weapons combo.
Axe, Pickaxe, Spear, Knife – Use same melee combo.
Now, trace a Multi lane to trace.
Design considerations.
Added the ability
In a 3rd person game, the attack of a melee weapon should accompany the movement of the weapon.
Therefore the combo ability now fires multiple Sphere traces, with the shape of the equipped weapon.
It improves between what the “Player sees” and what actually happens.
You can’t point up or down.
Since the montage that plays is the same regardless of where you have your Z cursor.
This will change in the future when we have better quality animations.
As this plugin is thinking so that you adjust your need according to your criteria, you can choose to use the other combo.
Where the line trace is generated in relation to the orientation of the camera, that is the center of the screen.
Being better for 1st person games.
You just have to change the skill of your preference in the WID of your favorite item and update the montage from 3rd person to 1st person.
6) Add new Item Staff
Grantz 5 Abilities.
This is a good example of how you should create your own skills.
Display in UI.
Z Primary
X Secondary
C Tertiary
V Quaternary
New Abilities.
Added SK and SM from “staff item”
Staff now have new ability .(Basic attack
7) Added shield Item
8) Test ZONE
The advantage of using Lyra is that you can test your project from day one. Therefore we decided to implement the following TESTING functions.
ADD Test Enemy Zone in NewWorld. Now u cant test with Custom Enemy
ADD new NPC, Lyra Character simple with Shield.
Why now have Dependend Shootercore, Explorer, and maps?
Shootercore, for IA Maps and explorer, for map.
we think this dependency is very good for testing (U can remove if u like.)
Now the interact, loot and work, have animation.
Fix team custom enemy
Fix Bug in AOE ability
Now health test bar, only show after apply damage for 10 seg. (remove collision) Better for test.
Fix a bug in instance spawn. (Material validation)
Now Inventory widget have same parent.
Now loot play animation
Now Workstation have same parent
Now Open Workstation play animation
Fix general Sound.