Wardrobe Actor: Now, when u open inventory, u can see your character, when u equip weapon, armor, play montage. U can rotate this.
Inventory: Now u can see stats in your inventory. (Armor, Mana, Food, Water, Stamina, etc).
Add a Details when hovered icon. QuickMove Animation:
Now when u move items, play a soft animation.
Toast Notificacion in Collectable Items: Now when u pickup items, the UI notify the player what items and stack pickuped Selected Item:
Now when u select item in inventory, the UI change slot brush color
New Team Mode: NPCs have your team, and each player have another different team. (Survival)
Bugs: Cannot queue multiple of the same item: Now u can.
Charge attack: Now when u cancel triggered, cancel correctly ability.
Controls are not implemented as player mappable input (PMI): Now u can.
Other changes Remap imputs. Open inventory: TAB Open Craft: Q Interact: E DropWeaponInYourHands: G
Now, when u press any key, (TAB, Q, E or ESC) the active widget will closed.
Now QuickBar use MessageSubsystem when change active weapon.
Fix HipernovaTeamCreation Location: